#5 Master Talk with Simon Kentgens:12-05-2016
15.00 - 16.00 Auditorium, De Pont museum for Contemporary Art, Tilburg (NL) Entry is free for museum visitors Master Artist | Simon Kentgens Moderator | Ingrid de Rond NL: In samenwerking met De Pont museum voor hedendaagse kunst organiseert Kunstpodium T vijf gesprekken in het auditorium van De Pont gedurende het Apprentice/Master project. Tijdens deze interactieve gesprekken, georganiseerd in samenwerking met De Pont museum, zal er samen met de kunstenaars uit het Apprentice/Master project worden ingegaan op het kunstenaarschap en het leven na de academie. EN: In collaboration with De Pont museum for contemporary art in Tilburg, Kunstpodium T organizes 5 talks in the auditorium of De Pont during the Apprentice/Master project. Led by current themes, these interactive talks revolve around questions about the artistic practice, life after the academy and the way the master artists place themselves in the art world. |
#4 Master Talk with Lucas Devriendt at De Pont museum 21.04.2016
15:00 - 16:00 Auditorium, De Pont museum for Contemporary Art, Tilburg (NL) Entry is free for museum visitors Master Artist | Lucas Devriendt Moderator | Ingrid de Rond NL: In samenwerking met De Pont museum voor hedendaagse kunst organiseert Kunstpodium T vijf gesprekken in het auditorium van De Pont gedurende het Apprentice/Master project. Tijdens deze interactieve gesprekken, georganiseerd in samenwerking met De Pont museum, zal er samen met de kunstenaars uit het Apprentice/Master project worden ingegaan op het kunstenaarschap en het leven na de academie. EN: In collaboration with De Pont museum for contemporary art in Tilburg, Kunstpodium T organizes 5 talks in the auditorium of De Pont during the Apprentice/Master project. Led by current themes, these interactive talks revolve around questions about the artistic practice, life after the academy and the way the master artists place themselves in the art world. |
#3 Master Talk with Wineke Gartz at De Pont museum18.02.2016
15:00 - 16:00 Auditorium, De Pont museum for Contemporary Art, Tilburg (NL) Entry is free for museum visitors Master Artist | Wineke Gartz Moderator | Ingrid de Rond NL: In samenwerking met De Pont museum voor hedendaagse kunst organiseert Kunstpodium T vijf gesprekken in het auditorium van De Pont gedurende het Apprentice/Master project. Tijdens deze interactieve gesprekken, georganiseerd in samenwerking met De Pont museum, zal er samen met de kunstenaars uit het Apprentice/Master project worden ingegaan op het kunstenaarschap en het leven na de academie. EN: In collaboration with De Pont museum for contemporary art in Tilburg, Kunstpodium T organizes 5 talks in the auditorium of De Pont during the Apprentice/Master project. Led by current themes, these interactive talks revolve around questions about the artistic practice, life after the academy and the way the master artists place themselves in the art world. Wineke Gartz vertoont in Nederland en in verschillende landen wereldwijd. Haar plaatsspecifieke bestaan in complexe overlays van beelden en media, of met gebruik van muziek en meerdere video en dia projecties en het integrale gebruik van de architectonische ruimte. Haar parallelle realiteiten onder mengen de gewone met de heldhaftige, het creëren van een bijna hallucinerende ervaring. Haar onderwerpen hebben betrekking op de psychologie, schoonheid, dood, illusies en perceptie, natuur versus stedelijke leven, de kunst en de massamedia. Gartz heeft interesse in de combinatie van spiritualiteit, kunst en wetenschap geweest. Momenteel ontwikkelt zij video lezingen over haar werk en begon samen te werken met muzikanten. Wineke Gartz’ site-specific installations consist of complex overlays of imagery and media, often with the use of music, multiple video and slides projections with the integral use of the architectural space. Her parallel realities include mixing the ordinary with the heroic, creating an almost hallucinatory experience. Her subjects relate to psychology, beauty, death, illusions and perception, nature versus urban life, art and mass media. Gartz is interested in the combination of spirituality, art and science. Currently she is developing video lectures about her work and started to collaborate with musicians. |
#5 APPRENTICE/MASTER 15/16: 'THE PLOT THICKENS' WITH Gabriel LesterThis was the fifth installment of Apprentice/Master 15/16 #5 'The Plot Thickens' with Gabriel Lester and apprentices: Margit Koller, Yolanda Ríos Coello, Martin Lukáč, and Lieselotte Vloeberghs
#1 'Transition' Alex De Roeck and Maurice Nuiten14.01.2016 - 14.03.2016
Kunstpodium T in Co-operation with Spaarbank has created a new exhibition space in Tilburg (NL), in where 2 - 3 Artists will be selected from the previous year of Apprentice Master to exhibit work for 3 months in a local bar and restaurant, The Spaarbank. The space consists of 7 glass boxes suspended in the large public facing windows. Alex De Roeck and Maurice Nuiten were curated together by Alexander J. Croft who named the show 'Transition' Maurice Nuiten: What if it is not true what we think, that we got it wrong. What if it is not real what we see, that we can not see. The urge to keep grip in our life, is a part of human nature. People try to build them yourself and the world around them , influenced by our Western society. The world is my film set, in which I am acting as a actor, director and spectator. I try to bend the reality into images that I have in my head. The human body, objects and nature are the foundation of my work, alienation is my one of my main tools. Welcome into my everyday (un)reality. www.mauricenuiten.nl Alex De Roeck: A Cacophonous arena of nonsensical rubble, slowly wriggling from the evaporating bark, pit bull of demise drooling upwards, all with a scowl at the back of mine, fluctuating doubts and demands, friction oozing from cowboy toppers, indestructible to an ever certain degree, Valium daydreams fucking numb repercussions, the leash wont loosen while the scars will continuously mock its moronic equilibrium. www.alexderoeck.com Artists: Alex De Roeck and Maurice Nuiten Curated by Alexander J. Croft Photography by Julia Van de Wiel Edited by Alexander J Croft |
#8 APPRENTICE/MASTER 15/16: 'Rearranging the sky' WITH Femmy OttenThis was the fifth instillment of Apprentice/Master 15/16 #5 'Rearranging the Sky' with Femmy Otten and apprentices: Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir, Ye Yicheng, Reanne Donnegan, Barbora Dayef and Meg Wright.
In the middle of this grey bluish sky various sources and references meet. Triggered by a sense of curiosity this exhibition talks about open-ended symbols. The artists capture the breath of the magic object, they focus on moments of clarity and explore the fragility of the space around us. The mix between ritualistic mysticism and art history makes them rearrange the sky. Femmy Otten (Amsterdam 1981) Here is the adventure of Otten’s work, the culmination of so much time (“hours spent carving or painting, awaiting a moment of clarity that is so exciting”). It is, finally, a way to make things that “cannot lie.” What’s a Head, or a Foot?: Femmy Otten’s Partitive Aesthetics John C. Welchman 2015 Meg Wright (London 1986) My work focuses on childhood and memories, using juxtaposed and familiar imagery, blank spaces, found photographs and treasured objects, I examine notions of memory and the role photography plays in memory and forgetting. For unlike photographs, which remain largely unchanged by time, our memories are subject to revisions, adjustments and alterations due to the context under which they are revisited. Reanne Donnegan (London 1994) I enjoy integrating things which would not have otherwise been together, blurring the lines of distinction. By taking a subject out of it's original context and creating ambiguous and tactile interpretations, there arises an interesting tension between the viewer being drawn to the work and being repelled by it. Ye Yicheng ( Zhejiang Province, 1994) I want to listen stories from the elder. So I visited the Yellow River. She has been to many places and met many people. She must have many stories… that is true. Ásgerður Birna Björnsdóttir (Reykjavík, 1990) What is the windsock measuring? Is it giving the wind context, or a reason to blow? Is the ribbon moving a rhythmical gymnast or vice versa? How can a material be solid but be 98.2 % air? Speculating on how we deal with the tactile and the intangible sides of the materials we encounter. Barbora Dayef (Prague1991) The story begins in gypsum workshop by making a casting mould, which is an imprint of the artifact. Its clay material comes from the pilgrimage city of Karbala. The mold then immediately determines the nature of further steps, the workflow, which was ritualised over the time. It is a relationship between culture and landscape, sculpture and clay that man tirelessly creates and encourages. |